Dr. David Gray’s 8/19/00 speech at the Arya Samaj Mahasammelan in Hempstead, NY
“Don’t Separate Yoga from Source” by Rajiv Malhotra published on www.bergen.com
ECIT Letter to the New York Times by Dr. Cleo Kearns
ECIT’s 9/11/00 Letter to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Indian Earthquake Matching Grant Program with The American Red Cross
National Public Radio Interview of Rajiv Malhotra on Show Called “Tapestry” on October 22, 2000
Response to Southern Baptist Anti-Hindu Pamphlet
Transcript of a Discussion With Rajiv Malhotra: 24th June, 2000
Susan Wardley’s Ramayana for Schools With Protest Letter From ECIT
The Bhagavad Gita Didn’t Happen: Newspaper by Nirshan Perera
UNESCO International Congress on Interreligious Dialogue and Culture of Peace